
The Lemonade War Inspiration at Pontiac

Inspired by the characters in Jacqueline Davies' book,The Lemonade Wars, Pontiac Elementary students, lead by our Media Specialist, Kristie Haltiwanger,  were motivated to raise money for our local Animal Shelter.  The characters in the book compete to see who can sell the most lemonade.  They donate all of their proceeds to their local animal shelter.  Pontiac chose to do the same.

 The students raised money by selling lemonade at Fall Fest on October 24th.  Officer Flory, from the City of Columbia Animal Shelter, brought his friend, Sugar, a Chocolate Lab, to visit the students on October 31st.  At this time, Officer Flory was presented with a check for $313.05.  Other items, such as paper towels, quilts, pet food, cleaning supplies, etc. were also collected for the pets at the shelter.  The students in Mrs. Evering’s class created a quilt to donate to the shelter as well.