
Say Cheese!

Homeroom Class Picture Day will be Friday, January 30th. Please look for order envelopes in your child's weekly folder.

Family Literacy University

Calling All "FUTURE CHEFS"

Tips for a safe start to the school day!

Parents! The morning drop off line is becoming hazardous to both our staff and students. To keep everyone safe and moving as efficiently as possible, here are a few guidelines to remember. Please do not text and drive while in the car rider line. As you turn into the Pontiac entrance, please follow the blue line all the way back to the portables. This will help keep back up traffic off of Spears Creek Church Road and keep traffic moving. Please do not make u-turns or cut in front of other cars while in line. This includes u-turns through the staff parking spaces. Do not turn in at the teacher parking lot, even if there is no line of cars. As you arrive at the drop off lane, please pull all the way up to the sign. Students should be let out on the passenger side of the car to ensure safety. If you need to get out of your car to come into the building, please park in a parking space. Please do not park on the curb. Our Pontiac family’s safety is of top priority to us. Please follow these tips for a safe and smooth drop off each day!

Attendance Reminder

      Please remember that our school day begins at 8:10 AM and ends at 2:55 PM. After the tardy bell rings, parents are reminded to sign students in using lobby guard. Also, multiple tardies and/or early dismissals may affect your child’s attendance. Our administrators, attendance secretary and social worker monitor students’ attendance. It is very important to always send in an excuse when your child returns to school after an absence. This will help prevent the need for a conference with an administrator. Students are truant if they have 3 consecutive or 5 scattered UNEXCUSED absences. If you do not send in an excuse, the student will be considered truant. The social worker will then meet with the parent to implement an attendance improvement plan. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Watson, Attendance Secretary @ (803) 699-2700 extension 81020 You may also email your child’s excuse to:

Arts Day T-Shirts for Sale!

Help Support Pontiac Arts Day! 

Our annual Arts Day Celebration will take place at Pontiac on Friday, February 27, 2015. This is a day we take to celebrate the arts: dance, music, storytelling, theatre, and visual art. Our students spend the day immersed in performances and demonstrations. This year we are selling T-Shirts to support the funding for Arts Day. We are taking orders through Wednesday, February 4th.  T-Shirts will be sent home during the week of February 23rd.  We would love for our students to wear their T-shirt on Arts Day and show everyone how much they love this special event! Click on the link below to download the order form!  

Thank you! 
Ms. Rayner & Mrs. Smith

Digital Newsletter

Our January Rainforest Review:

Newsletter Week of January5-9

Pontiac Elementary School Newsletter Link

Media Message

Happy New Year!  We are looking forward to a great 2015 in the media center!  There are several events planned for the next few months. 
¨ January 17th, 11:30 a.m. - Meet Mrs. Haltiwanger at Regal         Cinemas Sandhill Stadium 16 to see Paddington Bear (Rated PG).    Please return the form on the next page if you are interested in joining in the fun.
¨ February 2nd - In celebration of our 100th Day of School, we are looking for at least “100 Relatives” to read to our students.  Please return the form on the next page if you would like to share in this special day.
¨ February 17th - 24th - Book Fair  We need   volunteers!  Please contact Mrs. Haltiwanger @ 803 -699-2700, ext.81541 if you are willing to help out.


 Let’s See Paddington @ Sandhills Regal Cinema
January 17, 2015 @ 11:40 a.m.
Ticket prices:  Adults $8.50   Child (11 & Under) $7.50
Child’s Name  ____________________ Child’s Teacher  ________________
Number of Adult Tickets Needed:  _____ x  $8.50 =   _______
Number of Child Tickets Needed: _____ x  $7.50 =   _______
       Total =   _______
To preorder tickets, please send total money amount (cash only) in a sealed envelope no later than Thursday, January 15th. 
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Haltiwanger, Media Specialist ,   @ 803-699-2700, ext. 81541.

 100 Relatives Came to Read !
February 2, 2015
Please sign me up to read to my child’s class.
I am willing to read to other classes if I am needed.         Yes ___        No ___
The time of day that suits me best is __________.
Relative’s Name ____________________  Relationship to Child __________
Parents’ Phone Number ___________________
Child’s Name  _________________   Child’s Teacher  ________________
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Haltiwanger, Media Specialist @ 803-699-2700, ext. 81541.
