

Our first "Lunch With Leaders" was held Friday, 9/26.  This was an opportunity to recognize students who displayed the life skill of RESPONSIBILITY during the month of September, and FRIENDSHIP during the month of August.  One student from each homeroom was chosen to represent their class.  CONGRATULATIONS to those students!
Our life skill for October is RESPECT-listening to others and treating them politely.  We hope that you will join us in demonstrating and teaching respect throughout the month. As their lifelong teacher, you have the most influence on whether your child shows respect outside of your home.
Here are some ideas you may find helpful:
The best way to teach respect is to show respect.
When a child experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is.                                            
Respect is an attitude.
Being respectful helps a child succeed in life.
If children don't have respect for peers, authority, or themselves, it's almost impossible for them to succeed.              
A respectful child takes care of belongings and responsibilities,  gets along with peers, and treats others the way they would like to be treated.
Trish DuBose and Tressa Wright