
Pontiac Movie Night

 ¨Finding Dory¨
 Pontiac Movie Night
    Friday, January 27, 2017
               3PM - 5PM
Cost $10
Sponsored by third grade teachers
       ... Finding Dory Exclusive ...                          
Fun! Fun! Fun! Your student can stay after school on Friday, January 27th and watch ¨Finding Dory.¨ This movie is rated PG for mild thematic elements.  When reading a review it said,  ¨Finding Dory's themes of teamwork, perseverance, family, friendship, and unconditional love are relatable for even the littlest kids.¨ The $10 will be used to fund a third grade field study.  During the movie, we will have snacks and a drink.  Students will need to be picked up at the front of the school at 5 PM.  Please turn in the signed permission slip and the $10 cost to Mrs. Ryan, third grade teacher, room J11.  Thanks so much.
My child, _________________, may attend ¨Finding Dory¨ which is rated PG on Friday, January 27th.  I will pick my child up at the front of the school at  5 PM.
My child is ASAP ($10 cost still applies) and will return to ASAP at the completion of the movie.   Circle yes or no

Signature ____________________

$10 enclosed _________