
Pep Rally for our students!

Do your best on the test!

Tadpoles! Frogs!

This class is watching their tadpoles transform into frogs!  How cool!

Encouraging messages

Our teachers wrote encouraging messages for our students.


Aleighsa Welch, USC Gamecock basketball player, surprised one of our students today for her Community Hero project!


Three student entries from Pontiac Elementary have received awards in this year's Conservation Poster Contest, sponsored by the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District:

First Place, K-1st Grades:  Susana Jeanette Vandelay 
First Place, 2nd-3rd Grades: Joseph A. Ravindran 
Second Place, 2nd-3rd Grades: Iyanna Zariah Broadus 

Pontiac Night at CiCi's Pizza

The fun has begun! Bring your family and have dinner with your Pontiac friends at CiCi's.

A Pontiac send off

Wishing the Pontiac Team Good Luck!

They've Hatched

  We've been waiting and checking on the 5 Eastern Bluebird eggs in the 
Kinder-Garden nesting box since April 6th and were happy to see this morning that they all hatched over 
the weekend!

Chorus Performance Canceled for tonight

Our chorus concert scheduled for tonight will be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.  We will let you know as soon as this event has been rescheduled.

Athletic/Sports Summer Camps

Our high schools have placed on their websites information regarding Athletic/Sports Summer Camps.   Below are links to the high schools sites.

Vehicle Day

Pontiac Elementary is hosting a Vehicle Day to promote career awareness on Friday, May 22nd.   Vehicle Day will be held on school property and will consist of vehicles representing different occupations.  As an AVID school, we are committed to preparing all of our students for college and careers.  You can help us prepare them by coming to share with us! We will be hosting two sessions for our students to visit vehicles:

Morning session 8:30am-10:30am

Afternoon session 12:30pm – 2:00pm

We would like to extend an invitation to your company/business to participate in Pontiac’s Vehicle Day.  Please let us know if you could bring a vehicle to share at one or both of the sessions on May 22nd

During the sessions, we ask that you stand by your vehicle and share information with students about your career.  The students will be prepared to ask you questions regarding your job duties and the education and training that prepared you for your career.  Your sharing can help our students make connections between their education and the world of work!  This connection is vital in motivating students to set educational goals and plan for their futures.

If you would like to participate in Vehicle Day, please respond by May 1st to Julie Whitney or Trish Dubose at (803)699-2700 X81010.  You can also reach us by email at or Also, please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you for helping prepare our students for the future!


Julie Whitney
Trish DuBose
School Counselors

Click Clack Club

Way to go Pontiac Half Marathon Club!

Student Council Service Project

Parrot's Paradise

Getting ready for the Palmetto Half Marathon!

Lighting It Up Blue

Wearing our blue to show our support for Understanding Others Day

Understanding Others Day

First graders learning about disabilities from the Able SC Young Leaders.

First Graders were excited to here from James McCord

Loved hearing about all the organizations!

Another great presentation!

Let's treat each other with kindness!

Understanding Others Day

We are celebrating Understanding Others Day.  Here are our second graders finding out about service dogs.  The PAALS organization is amazing!