
Tips for a safe start to the school day!

Parents! The morning drop off line is becoming hazardous to both our staff and students. To keep everyone safe and moving as efficiently as possible, here are a few guidelines to remember. Please do not text and drive while in the car rider line. As you turn into the Pontiac entrance, please follow the blue line all the way back to the portables. This will help keep back up traffic off of Spears Creek Church Road and keep traffic moving. Please do not make u-turns or cut in front of other cars while in line. This includes u-turns through the staff parking spaces. Do not turn in at the teacher parking lot, even if there is no line of cars. As you arrive at the drop off lane, please pull all the way up to the sign. Students should be let out on the passenger side of the car to ensure safety. If you need to get out of your car to come into the building, please park in a parking space. Please do not park on the curb. Our Pontiac family’s safety is of top priority to us. Please follow these tips for a safe and smooth drop off each day!