Middle School Music Sign-Ups due this week!
Middle School Music Sign-Ups due this week!
Parents of 5th graders:
Recently your child attended an in-school performance of the Richland Two middle school bands, choruses, and orchestras. Students learned about the instruments and programs offered to rising 6th graders at our District Two middle schools. Each student received a brochure with an interest form attached for you to sign and return to your child's elementary school music teachers by March 31st.
During March, we celebrate music in our schools month and we use this time as our "signing days" for students to begin their musical education in the 6th grade. If your son or daughter is interested in joining band, chorus, or orchestra when they enter 6th grade, please turn in the interest form to Ms. Rayner.
For your convenience, you may also sign the interest form online at the district website. Go to www.richland2.org, click parents and community, click Middle School Music. We look forward to your family becoming a part of the the award winning Richland Two music family.
Cub Scout Information
Pontiac's Cub Scout Pack has recently merged with Lonnie B. Nelson's Cub Scout Pack, creating a joint, active and fun Cub Scout Pack #101! The cub scouts are busy making their Pinewood Derby cars for the big race on Saturday. They also recently visited The State House and met Representative Beth Bernstein and celebrated the birthday of Boy Scouts with a Blue & Gold celebration. Earlier this week they had a litter clean-up day at Lonnie B. Nelson Elementary and will be rescheduling a date to clean up Pontiac Elementary due to a rain-out last Saturday. If you are interested in joining Cub Scouts (boys grades 1st through 5th grade), please contact Angela Vandelay (deanandangela@gmail.com) or Ryon Miro(pack101cm@gmail.com).
The Richland 2 Mall Show is up!
The show will run until Monday, March 23. at the Columbia Place Mall. Pontiac’s panel is located on the lower level in front of Burlington. Please go check out our art! Make sure to congratulate students who have their work on display:
Susana Vandelay
Alvin Chen
Bella Rosario
Lina Schoppe
Logan Wells
Susana Vandelay
Alvin Chen
Bella Rosario
Lina Schoppe
Logan Wells
Olivia Miller
Haley Helzer
Jacqueline Garcia Garcia
Olivia Miller
Haley Helzer
Jacqueline Garcia Garcia
Emma Caulder
Chase Brown
Makala Rocha
Dallas Dean Jones
Chase Brown
Makala Rocha
Dallas Dean Jones
Ella Boston
Shawn Owensby
Iyanna Broadus
Jackson Dowey
Ella Boston
Shawn Owensby
Iyanna Broadus
Jackson Dowey
Deayshia Wilson
Carrena Spann
Taylor Simon
Angel Temples
Kate Weiss
Madison Sanchez
Adriana Lagombra
Iyanna Picart
Samara McCrea
Karina Kewlani
Emilee Thompson
Maya Roman
Deayshia Wilson
Carrena Spann
Taylor Simon
Angel Temples
Kate Weiss
Madison Sanchez
Adriana Lagombra
Iyanna Picart
Samara McCrea
Karina Kewlani
Emilee Thompson
Maya Roman
Blythewood Middle School Pathways to Success
Blythewood Middle School Pathways to Success
Thursday, April 16th, 6:00 p.m.
¨ Learn about opportunities such as BMS JumpStart Camp , summer reading activity, 6th grade supply list, and information about enrichment offerings
¨ Find out what Charger Kick-Off is all about as well as how to help your child with math at home, encouraging your reluctant reader, and learning about the adolescent child
¨ Visit the 6th grade area classrooms and meet the teachers
Golf Tournament Time
Golf Tournament Time
Are you looking for a way to get involved at Pontiac Elementary School? If so, then we need your help planning our annual golf tournament. Please call us @ 803-699-2700.
Free Technology Classes
Westwood High School’s Tech.B@r is hosting a series of free technology classes for the community. Each class will focus on a new topic, and will be lead by our Tech.St@ff students. Saturday’s 1 hour session will be on Parent Portal. This is a great resource to keep you up to date with your student’s education. Come learn how to create an account and see some of the features that help you stay on top of your child’s grades. Computers will be provided, but seating is limited to 20 participants. Registration is free. Please register each person attending separately.
Sign up: http://tinyurl.com/WHSTechClass2
View future dates and class subjects at: http://tinyurl.com/WHSTechClass
Saturday, March 21st: 10-11am
Tuesday, March 24th: 5:30-6:15pm
Friday, April 10th: 5:30-6:15pm
Thursday, April 30th: 5:30-6:15pm
Saturday, May 2nd: 1-2pm
Thursday, May 12th: 5:30-6:15pm
Attention: Parents of 5th Graders
Parents of 5th graders,
Recently your child attended an in-school performance of the Richland Two middle school bands , choruses, and orchestras. Students learned about the instruments and programs offered to rising 6th graders at our District Two middle schools.
Each student received a brochure with an interest form attached for you to sign and return to your child's elementary music teachers.
During March, we celebrate music in our schools month and we use this time as our "signing days" for students to begin their musical education in the 6th grade. If your son or daughter is interested in joining band, chorus, or orchestra when they enter 6th grade, please turn in the interest form as soon as possible.
For your convenience, you may also sign the interest form online at the district website.
Go to www.richland2.org, click parents and community, click Middle School Music.
We look forward to your family becoming a part of the the award winning Richland Two music family.