Mrs. Helzer's and Mrs. Ingle's kindergarten class enjoy learning across the curriculum with Mrs. Pennekamp's fourth grade class in our weekly Book Buddies club, which met in our kindergarten book buddies room. We practiced skills and standards from both grade levels in ELA, science, math, and even social studies! Did you know that Native Americans ate popcorn soup and the early colonists enjoyed popcorn? We used speaking and listening, along with following directions, to learn how to fold a square piece of paper into a holder for our popcorn. We tasted two flavors of popcorn, then talked with our buddies to decide which is the favorite of each student. Finally, we created a graph of individual favorites, compared the results, and created a display in the kindergarten hallway. We are looking forward to next week's adventure, which will be hosted in Mrs. Pennekamp's fourth grade room.