The Lemonade War
Below are a list of items we are collecting for the pets at the shelter.
Columbia Animal Services
We appreciate your contributions
Our Shelter Staff & Pets Thank You!
Liquid Laundry Detergent
Water hoses (75-200 feet)
Water-hose nozzles
Canned Cat/Dog Food
Hard Kitten/Puppy Food
Paper towels
Hand Soap & Sanitizer
Disinfecting Wipes
Floor Cleaners (not pine)
Windex & other Cleaning Supplies
Blankets & Towels (Slightly Used)
Leashes & Collars
Clean Newspaper
Trash Bags (medium & large)
Roast Beef & Turkey hot dogs (for training)
Stuffed Animals
Dog Toys (KONG, Nylabone)
Cat Toys