
Meet our New Parrots

Back to School Night

What a great turn out for our Back to School Night! Thank you to all our families who dropped by.  We believe that the home / school connection is very important.  We look forward to seeing our students next Wednesday, August 22.

Four Squares

Using this AVID strategy to get to know each other. How can you use this strategy in the classroom?

What's your promise?

Writing our Richland 2 Promise.

Richland Two is Hiring!

Join a Premier Team, Richland Two is hiring for the 2018-2019 school year.  
Please apply at

Q & A Time

New teachers pose questions to a panel of seasoned teachers.

Welcoming our new teachers 2018-19 school year!

Meeting our New AP's tonight

  Tonight our families were able to meet our new Assistant Principals, Mrs. Savage and Mr. Williams.