
The Chorus Spring Performance

The Chorus Performance of "It's Saturday" was awesome.  Here is a short clip:  posted to our Youtube channel.

Pontiac News

Important Dates:
Tomorrow, Friday March 25, is a Half Day For students. Dismissal at 11:30
¨   3/28-4/1 Spring Break
¨ 4/7 Report Cards Issued
¨  4/8 College Colors Day
¨  4/14 SIC Meeting
¨  4/15 Understanding Others Day/ Military Purple Up Day
¨  Look for Information on Fireflies baseball Reading Incentive

Dear Parents,
Wow!   What a wonderful performance by our chorus members!  Great job!
Just a reminder……students begin their break Friday, March 25th and will return on Monday, April 4th.   I know our students will enjoy their time outdoors and with their family.  Thanks in advance for cleaning out those bookbags during Spring Break!  You are the best!
Thanks for all you do as parents!
Now that Spears Creek Church Road has reopened, we have resumed our current school tardy procedure and any student that arrives after 8:10am will be marked tardy. School starts at 8:00 with the tardy bell ringing at 8:10.

According to the district policy, students who acquire 10 or more tardies will be referred for an Attendance Intervention Plan.

Thank you for your support in ensuring students make maximum use of class time by arriving to school on time each day.

Science Safari Day at Pontiac

Students are learning about trees from the Forestry Commission

USC teaching our students and helping them create solar bracelets and pinwheels.

The Congaree National Park Services Representative is teaching students all about animals.

Michael Johnson wows our students with his show, "Science, A Touch of Magic"

Science Safari Day Video


Important Dates:
¨ 3/17 Skate Night 5-8pm
¨ 3/17 Montessori
     Parent University
¨  3/18 Mother/Son Bowling 6—8pm
¨  3/22 Chorus Performance
¨  3/25 Half Day for students
¨  3/28-4/1 Spring Break

        Dear Parents,
HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!   Our Pontiac students are wrapping up MAP testing and we are so proud of the growth they have shown through this assessment.   For those parents that aren’t familiar with MAP, these assessments are computer adaptive achievement tests in Math and Reading.  The computer adjusts the difficulty of the questions so that each student takes a unique test.  The difficulty of each question is based on how well the student has answered previous questions.  Please schedule a meeting or contact your child’s teacher for the results of your child’s MAP assessments.
As we look ahead, following Spring Break, our 3rd-5th grade students will take SC Ready state testing.  Please mark your calendars now.  SC Ready Reading assessment will be administered on Wednesday, April 27 and SC Ready Math assessment will be administered on Thursday, April 28.  More details about these assessments will be shared after Spring Break.
Thank you for your continued support! 
Katie Barber, principal
Marble Slab
Orders Due

March 18

Richland School District Two Art Show
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to showcase a piece of art in the 2016 Richland School District Two Art Show.  The show runs from Monday, March 7, 2016 through Monday, March 21, 2016 at Columbia Mall.  Pontiac’s panel is located on the upper level across from Macy’s. Congratulations to:

McKenzie Brown                                       Samantha Morales Garcia
Isabella Moreno Alvarado                      Niya Hassell
Abby Wilson                                              Elizabeth Calkins
Suha Ayub                                                  Layla Rush
Mei McArtor                                               Nicholas Cooper-Lewter
Hope Hawkins                                            Izaiah Lindsey
Deayshia Wilson                                         Paris Steeley
Bobby Swick                                               Cinthya Oldham
Nadira McFadden                                    Carl Wilson
Iyanna Broadus                                          Haley Holcomb
Trintee Richardson                                     Braden Lawton
Lauren McNeil                                             Payton Davis          
Joseph Rojo                                                 Nicholas Fowler
Matias Olivares                                           Justin Starks

The 4th and 5th grade Pontiac Chorus will present the musical, “It’s Saturday!” at the Richland Two District Auditorium on Tuesday, March 22 at 7:00 pm. This musical revue celebrating a day off in the life of a kid will last approximately 30 minutes and include the following songs:

It’s Saturday!
Time to Spare
Toon Time
The Boogie Woogie Piano Teachin’ Man
The Chore Song
My Mother, the Coach
Slumber Party Tonight

The show is free and open to the public so bring a friend!

Pontiac News

The link to the Pontiac Elementary School Newsletter:  Pontiac News