
Kindergarten entertaining us at the Kindergarten Celebration

Exciting News!

 We know our families are busy and that means sometimes they miss important events. This year we will be showcasing some of those special events LIVE on our Youtube channel. You can go to our website and click on the Youtube icon in the upper right corner or go directly to the link:  We are streaming live through a chromebook, so the quality won't be the best, but you will get to see the activity.  We hope this will help our families.  If you are not able to watch it live you can go to our Youtube channel and watch at your convenience.

Vehicle Day at Pontiac

Spring Chorus Performance Highlights

5th Grade Career Day!

The 5th Graders enjoy discussing their college and career goals!

Pontiac Summer Reading Opportunity

Your child received a flyer presenting our summer reading opportunity books. These grade level books can be purchased at a discounted price of $3.00 each.  We have a limited number of copies.

Rising K-1: Amelia Bedelia Hits the Trail

Rising 2-3: The Big Bad Blackout

Rising 4-5: Captain Nobody 

On the last day of school, students will receive a list on activities connected to their grade level's title book.

This is one of many summer reading opportunities Pontiac will highlight this year. Stay tuned for more!

Vehicle Day at Pontiac

Our students are enjoying looking at all the cool trucks and learning about careers.

Pontiac Chorus

Another entertaining performance!


The link to the Pontiac Elementary School Newsletter: Newsletter

Field Day Lunch

Field Day Fun

Having a blast at Field Day!

The Pontiac Newsletter

The link to the Pontiac Newsletter: Newsletter

Vehicle Day

Dear Parents, 

Pontiac Elementary is hosting a Vehicle Day to promote career awareness on Friday, May 22nd.   Vehicle Day will be held on school property and will consist of vehicles representing different occupations.  As an AVID school, we are committed to            preparing all of our students for college and careers.  You can help us prepare them by coming to share with us! We will be hosting two sessions for our students to visit vehicles:

Morning session 8:30am-10:30am

Afternoon session 12:30pm – 2:00pm

We would like to extend an invitation to your company/business to participate in       Pontiac’s Vehicle Day.  Please let us know if you could bring a vehicle to share at one or both of the sessions on May 22nd

During the sessions, we ask that you stand by your vehicle and share information with students about your career.  The students will be prepared to ask you questions regarding your job duties and the education and training that prepared you for your career.  Your sharing can help our students make connections between their                education and the world of work!  This connection is vital in motivating students to set educational goals and plan for their futures.

If you would like to participate in Vehicle Day, please respond by May 1st to Julie Whitney or Trish Dubose at (803)699-2700 X81010.  You can also reach us by email at or Also, please feel free to                 contact us with any questions.

Thank you for helping prepare our students for the future!


Julie Whitney
Trish DuBose
School Counselors

Registration for All Returning Students

Richland School District Two Requires both proof of residency and completion of the online Annual Registration for all returning students.
__Proof of Residency-  One current utility bill  if you have not moved and your address is still the same as last year.  If you have moved 3 current utility bills are required. If you are a family living with family you will need to renew the Family w Family Affidavit with required proofs.
__ On line Annual Registration- parents are required to go on line and complete the online annual registration. Please go to the  district web site at ( click on  Enrollment and Annual Registration (located at top right side) After viewing and updating your students information, please submit.  If we can be of assistance please call us at 699-2700 ext. 81666.

Field Day

Field Day is Friday, May 15th 

I am recruiting volunteers to assist with field day.  If you would like to be a part of the most actively engaged day of the year for students, please fill out the below form and send it in as soon as possible.  

The last day to turn in slips will be Friday, May 8th.   
Thank you,
Ms. Ellis

Field Day Volunteer Form

Your Name  _____________________________________________

Your Child’s Name  _______________________________________

Child’s Teacher  _________________________________________

Circle which shift you would like to work:  8:15-10:45          10:45-1:45              All Day

Home Number:  ______________________         Cell Number:  _____________________

Best time to call:  __________________________________________________

The Rainforest Review for May

Pontiac Treasures Our Volunteers!

Pontiac Volunteers were honored at a special breakfast with guest speaker, Libby Roof.